Chasm Lake

Chasm Lake


I went on a new hike to Chasm Lake in Estes Park, Colorado, with a friend over the weekend. It was a 9-mile round-trip hike with a 2,552-foot elevation gain. This was one of the most challenging hikes I’ve ever been on, with plenty of rock scrambling and steep inclines, but the end result was so worth it. The day was beautifully sunny—an ideal break from the hot summer we’ve had.

View of surrounding mountains and clear skies

Halfway through the hike, looking back, we could see all the way to the Front Range. The view was stunning and inspiring as we continued our climb.

Panoramic view of the fron range

As we broke through the treeline, the marked trail became more sparse, giving way to larger boulders and obstacles. We started to see glimpses of the valley where the lake is nestled, offering a preview of the beauty that awaited us. The air grew thinner, the steps steeper, and the difficulty increased with each step upward.

View of boulder filed near the treeline

As we got closer, we saw people in the distance, which really put the sheer size of the mountain range into perspective. The surrounding beauty was breathtaking.

Hikers in the distance with the mountain range looming ahead

Streams formed from last year’s snowmelt added to the mystique of the hike. We crossed a narrow cliffside path to reach the final rock scramble. The last 100 yards were among the most challenging climbs I’ve experienced. There was no clearly marked path—hikers were navigating different routes, trying their best to tackle the final push. It felt like we were rock climbing by the end.

Chasm Lake

After the challenging climb, we finally reached our destination. Every bit of effort was absolutely worth it. The lake was unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The crystal-clear water reflected the surrounding peaks, and there was an eerie yet peaceful silence. All the other hikers seemed to respect that quiet, which made the moment even more special. Sitting there, taking in the view, felt almost meditative. After initially worrying about making it, I was so glad we put in the effort.

If you’re willing and able, I highly recommend this hike. It’s like no place I’ve ever been, and it really makes me appreciate my home even more.

Check out the all trails page for more information.

© 2024 Arthur Revelski